Woodbridge Fair 2021 is VIRTUAL again!

Competitions - choose virtual competition button below!


  1. Virtual Competitions will require photos,name and address in order to be considered complete.

  2. Each Virtual competitions entry must be sent separately by email as an attachment. All entries must be sent to woodbridgefair@yahoo.com The subject line must indicate the competition and section (i.e.: WAS21-3, WAS21-6)

  3. Entries for Virtual competitions can be received at any time before September 29th, 2021 at 5 pm. Competitions will be judged and winners will be posted at woodbridgefair.ca

  4. Each email must include full name and address of the exhibitor. All prize money cheques will be mailed if returned because of incorrect address will not be sent again.

  5. All categories prizes will be $15 for First Prize, $10 for Second Prize, $5 for Third Prize.

  6. The details for entries of each competition must be followed to be eligible.

  7. All photos become the property of the Woodbridge Agricultural Society and may be used in the future for advertising.

  8. No child’s full name should be visible in a photograph.

  9. Entries for photography competition must be sent as a JPG file attachment.

  10. All Entries must be not have been previously entered in past Woodbridge Fair competitions and taken in the past two years (2019-2020)

On Thanksgiving weekend we want to enjoy the beauty of Fall and continue cherished traditions. For many of us, the Fall fair is a key part of those familiar traditions. Fortunately we will be able to celebrate with you live in-person this year and we can still share our Fair and enjoy Thanksgiving Weekend in a safe way. With the cancellation of the 2020 Fair, we wanted to ensure that our Community could still participate and enjoy some fun Fair activities, and virtually connect with us!

We invite you to explore the competitions guide and submit your entries into our “virtual” 2021Prize Book Fair Competitions! Your entries can all be created at home and submitted virtually by taking a photo. There is something for everyone!